Building His
Kingdom Together
Baptist Church

Sunday morning: Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 11:00 am
Wednesday night: Wednesday night Bible study 6:00
1st & 3rd Wednesday nights Supper & Bible Study 6:00
also Savannah's Hope (special friends)
Is to reach more people for Christ, not only in the world, but right here at home
We are associated with the
Autauga Baptist Association. 30 Churches & 2 Missions Reaching Our World For Christ!

Our Deacons
Bob Persons, Donnie Shelton, Paul Easterling
A word from our pastor Dave Burns: Please consider worshipping with us at Calvary. Our desire is to proclaim the hope that is found in knowing Jesus in a personal way.
We have 2 goals, share Jesus and teach believers how to grow in their faith. We have classes for every age group and provide a nursery for infants.
The Bible is our standard and we are called to teach it and live by it's application to our lives.
In Christ Jesus,
Brother Dave
In the early months of 1950, a small group of men and women, was prompted by the love of God, with a desire to have a church in their midst where they could assemble and worship God together. They prayed for the guidance of God for a place to build this church and after much prayer and a mutual understanding it was decided and unanimously agreed they would organize and build a Southern Baptist Church on the corner of 4th Street and Rollan Avenue, if this land could be purchased. Until they could build a building, they worshipped each Lord's Day under a tent on this location. The church was organized with 26 charter members and the first service was held in the new building on January 14, 1961 as a dedication vice.
The church called it's first Pastor, Rev. J. R. Bearden in 1951. He served as Pastor until August 1952. Rev. O. O. Hollon was unanimously called to serve as Pastor in September 1952 and faithfully served through September 1956. Rev. Fred Lackey was called by the church in October 1956 and remained as Pastor until April 1964. Rev. Clifford Price served as interim Pastor until Rev. Tommy Sinclair was called as Pastor in 1964. There were several interim Pastors and Pastors until December 2006, when Rev. Winston Brooks was called to serve as Pastor and is faithfully served as Pastor for 13 years. Rev. Dave Burns currently serves and welcomes all to attend a traditional Southern Baptist Church who welcomes all to join us in our worship of our Lord.

Constructing our church

Our humble beginnings


Pastor, J. R. Bearden